Some months ago, I could not play Youtube videos as I explained in my old post (How to use youtube-dl + mplayer to stream youtube video).
I was searching on the Internet why I could not watch any video... Yes! It's very said! Since any browser consumes extra resources even I am just watching a single video in a simple tab!!!!!! :'(
So, I found out that MPlayer cannot play videos using HTTPS protocol. All Youtube URLs are using HTTPS. That's why this error is shown:
Thanks to this post that I found: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=178617
They gave a good way to play. Now you need an additional application called CURL installed in your operating system.
So, type the following command on Terminal:
Some months ago, I could not play Youtube videos as I explained in my old post (How to use youtube-dl + mplayer to stream youtube video).
I was searching on the Internet why I could not watch any video... Yes! It's very said! Since any browser consumes extra resources even I am just watching a single video in a simple tab!!!!!! :'(
So, I found out that MPlayer cannot play videos using HTTPS protocol. All Youtube URLs are using HTTPS. That's why this error is shown:
$ mplayer -cookies -cookies-file /tmp/ytcookie.txt $(youtube-dl -g --cookies=/tmp/ytcookie.txt "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6bPVAfv72c") Warning unknown option ass-font-color at line 4 MPlayer 1.1-4.2.1 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team Playing https://r7---sn-oxunxg8pjvn-bg0z.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?signature=A5F6C0CC2C4A74D1C1770FD1EDFFCC3C99D56DC0.46E778F9675D2DF252D2125E13B4C4305681086A&expire=1410139975&initcwndbps=917000&mv=m&mt=1410118231&ms=au&ratebypass=yes&ipbits=0&mm=31&key=yt5&upn=al3lBE2etek&sparams=id%2Cinitcwndbps%2Cip%2Cipbits%2Citag%2Cmm%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cratebypass%2Crequiressl%2Csource%2Cupn%2Cexpire&source=youtube&sver=3&id=o-ABxZrhWRW_QcD15HlkMuXwwKxljER4idecw7gZ-yYGwQ&itag=22&requiressl=yes&fexp=900147%2C927622%2C931983%2C932404%2C932623%2C934024%2C934030%2C936117%2C946023%2C947209%2C953801&ip= No stream found to handle url https://r7---sn-oxunxg8pjvn-bg0z.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?signature=A5F6C0CC2C4A74D1C1770FD1EDFFCC3C99D56DC0.46E778F9675D2DF252D2125E13B4C4305681086A&expire=1410139975&initcwndbps=917000&mv=m&mt=1410118231&ms=au&ratebypass=yes&ipbits=0&mm=31&key=yt5&upn=al3lBE2etek&sparams=id%2Cinitcwndbps%2Cip%2Cipbits%2Citag%2Cmm%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cratebypass%2Crequiressl%2Csource%2Cupn%2Cexpire&source=youtube&sver=3&id=o-ABxZrhWRW_QcD15HlkMuXwwKxljER4idecw7gZ-yYGwQ&itag=22&requiressl=yes&fexp=900147%2C927622%2C931983%2C932404%2C932623%2C934024%2C934030%2C936117%2C946023%2C947209%2C953801&ip= Exiting... (End of file)
Thanks to this post that I found: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=178617
They gave a good way to play. Now you need an additional application called CURL installed in your operating system.
So, type the following command on Terminal:
$ curl --ciphers RC4-SHA "$(youtube-dl -g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=<VIDEO ID>)" | mplayer -
And be happy! Until Google or anyone else block us again... :'(
See you!
And be happy! Until Google or anyone else block us again... :'(
See you!
It works but some way to have a direct link from the browser to the video, should be good.
ReplyDeleteIs there a way to hear only the sound and not show the video? It works great on my notebook, but it doesn't works great on my Raspberry Pi. I need only the sound and not the video. Please help, Thanks.
ReplyDeleteSorry for my bad english :D
email to: retch100@gmail.com
Have you tried the following parameter for mplayer?
ReplyDelete$ mplayer -vo null something.mpg
$ mplayer -novideo something.mpg